Country: Greece
Category: Agritech
Project Aim: Agrologies was created having in mind the average small-scale farmer based in Europe, the farmer who needs sustainable and affordable solutions.
Rural areas deal with serious problems, irrigation being one of them. On its own as a process irrigation can be tedious, time consuming, costly, and most of the times leads to waters, because its being done based on experience.
How we can help:
We have created Agrologies. We help farmers manage irrigation via their smartphone, anyplace, anytime! All they have to do is install the Agrologies sensors device in their field, and use the Agrologies App. Through our app they will have complete access to the data collected by the sensors, and will receive complete guidance on how to irrigate each crop according to its needs. Users will have absolute control of the irrigation process, and manage it remotely.
How we started:
Based in Athens Greece, Agrologies is currently on the final R&D period. The Agrologies team has been working with Beta users, in order to perfect its services. The team’s vision is for technology to be introduced in agriculture. Not only it could improve the yield and crops, but it could also improve farmers’ everyday life. Such technologies can and should be created within Europe, since all the assets are available.
What this recognition means to us:
Agrologies has gained recognition not only nationally (in Greece) but also in Italy and the USA. But going to the European Final with the possibility to be the winner of the Agritech category, Agrologies proves that Smart farming is applicable and should become an asset in Agriculture