Country: Spain
Category: Health
Name: EKuore
Project Aim: Allow a second opinion or tracking medical treatment
What is Ekuore purpose?Ekuore ́s purpose is to continue developing mHealth devices that revolutionize the sanitary teleassistance field, which allow of the patient to be controlled and monitored in quick and easy way and a low cost.
Other future project of eKuore is to develop a Negative Pre-Diagnosis Platform, which will allow to help health professionals to detect when the patient has a cardiac anomalies.
For whom is intended?
Mainly for doctors of primary care, nurses, paediatricians or pulmonologist, because it enables them to offer a more accurate diagnosis at lower costs.
To primary care ́s doctors, (as they are the first filter in the health system), this device allows them to reduce the level of uncertainty in the diagnosis, given that they can share auscultation ́s sound fast with a specialist and they can offer a solution more effective and faster.
On the other hand, nurses are who collect the physiological parameters and are responsible for home care; therefore through ekuore stethoscope nurses can visualize the auscultation and offer a better diagnosis.
For cardiologist, although have tools much more sophisticated, thanks to this technology they could select only select cases (derivate of primary care), which they need to pay more attention. This allows them to remove unnecessary Follow up appointment and to improve the efficiency of the sanitary system.
Which is the company evolution?
Since the beginning in 2012, eKuore has obtained several acknowledgments from diverse institutions and programs, winning the Spin Off competition of Malaga University in 2012, the entrepreneurship program Minerva (2013), the “Lanzadera” program” 1st edition (2014), project of private capital for Juan Roig owner of Mercadona and in 2015, The SME Instrument Phase 1 – HORIZON 2020, that selected eKuore such a once of the winners in the “Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices”, by means of the European Commission finances the most promising projects of research and innovation.
In addition eKuore was winner in 2015 of the National Young entrepreneurship that the Youth National College of Spain (INJUVE) attached to the Spanish Health ́s Ministry.
At the same time, from 2015 eKuore has received the support of the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region, FISABIO, through a scientific consulting for the development and test of its products.
‘We are a technologic company that designs, develops and markets medical devices (mhealth), that connects health to new mobile technologies.’ CEO eKuore