Country: Bulgary
Category: Green
Project Aim: Global warming is costing businesses directly and thus has a negative impact on the economy. In addition, governments have started implementing regulations on petroleum based products, resulting in rising compliance costs for businesses.
What is worse, current eco-friendly solutions are not applicable for large scale use, because of high cost, lack of functionality or complicated production processes that requires substantial investments until appropriate economies of scale can be reached.
That is why we are developing a biocomposite material, that is completely biodegradable and is created in an energy efficient process with a low carbon footprint. We transform sustainably sourced lignocellulosic biomass into a drop-in replacement for styrofoam packaging. We will be able to target an array of packaging markets – consumer electronics, furniture and glassware. We are designing a waste-free production process and striving to achieve industrial manufacturing that is economically viable and environmentally friendly.
What does ShiftIDEAS do?
Biomyc (formerly shiftIDEAS) is a biotech company, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are currently developing a compostable alternative to styrofoam, made of agricultural waste and mushroom organisms.
The industry for petroleum based synthetics has produced many useful and low cost products, that enhance our lives, like styrofoam. The problem is they generate huge quantities of non biodegradable waste that attributes greatly to global warming.
What’s ShiftIDEAS future?
We are currently conducting an EU wide market research to pinpoint the perfect market niche that will allow us to proceed with a pilot production in 2019.
We are excited to have won the opportunity to represent Bulgaria on an European level and are looking forward to the competition.
For our team this will be a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about sustainable business and the Circular economy, as well as test our skills against the best in Europe.