Country: Greece
Category: Fashion
Project aim: The fashion industry has not yet found a single engaging place in the digital world. Ecommerce is steadily growing, still is heavily fragmented, while a lot of people are feeling left out. Infashion is addressing all those issues and brings all interested parties under one roof.
How did Infashion started?
Four friends and seasoned professionals came together in 2016 to disrupt the fashion industry. Based in London and Greece, a UX designer, a Backend, an iOS and an Android developer channel their years of experience into business & innovation. Being friends before partners, we are celebrating our passion for smooth, engaging experiences and obsession for perfection. Our mission is to make fashion accessible for everyone, everywhere and empower our Users and Brands.
What is The Infashion App?
We are bringing fashion Brands, Branded content, Organic content, Enthusiasts, Aficionados, Models, Bloggers and everyone in between, all under one roof. The girl-next-door, the fashionista, the wanna-be model, the fashion professionals, the Brands. A digital platform dedicated to fashion is what the fashion world is lacking at the moment. Infashion is an application for iOS and Android mobile phones which is bringing everyone interested in fashion under one roof. It serves sponsored and curated content and products from Brands. It allows Users to rate products and content while protecting the Brands. It serves sponsored content from Users. It is a platform for Users to post organic content. It allows Users to buy fashion items.
What is Infashion’s future?
Europe is a huge market, a leader in fashion design and we would like to be part of this exciting scene. Every recognition we are receiving keeps our creative fire strong, inspiring us to push even harder and excel. We are at a point where we tighten up our features, improving the product based on feedback and prepare for our wide market release effort.