The days 8th, 9th and 11th of November, it is celebrating the event “Woman Startup Europe Awards, Fuerteventura Special Edition”. This awards which seeks to reward the best innovation projects in the field of female entrepreneurship are an initiative by the city council of Fuerteventura and Finnova Foundation, in the framework of the StartUp Europe Awards, endorsed by the European Commission.
In these days there will be two modalities in which interested women can participate in the event that is framed in AFRIMAC 2 (MAC/2.3d/296), co-financed by the Operational Programme for Territorial Cooperation INTERREG MAC 2014-2020. The first of the modalities, AFRIMAC – 100 Women, will be held on the 8th and 9th, with the collaboration of women for tech and the accelerator Startup Europe Accelerator.
In this modality, women participants of the Training Programme for Women Entrepreneurs from Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde and Fuerteventura will have the opportunity to present their project or innovative idea on leadership and business management. From them, one of the six finalists will be selected and will go on to the final that will take place on the 11th at the Women Impact Summit.
The second and last modality will take place on 11th of November: the Women Impact Summit. This modality is dedicated to women from all over Europe who want to participate and share their project, in any of its phases. In this final, the winner of the final AFRIMAC – 100 Women and the winner of the Women Startup Europe Awards will be announced.
There will be an international jury, composed by:
- Ambassador Sena Siaw-Boateng, Ambassador of Ghana in Belgium and the Kingdom of Luxembourg.
- Bouchra Al Mehraj, entrepreneur.
- Katy Martínez, President of Martínez Hermanos Foundation.
- Lina Gálvez, Member of the European Parliament.
- Émilie Lubukayi, Strategic & Business manager of W.E.E Consulting.
- Rosa Martín, from “Nos Movemos” Foundation.
This jury will evaluate each proposal, and will name a winner who will receive a prize valued at €5,000, with mentoring and training by experts in the field for the winning project, as well as publicity in different mass media.
About SEUA
The Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is an initiative driven by the European Commission, supported by the Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament and implemented by the Finnova Foundation in collaboration with StartUp Europe. It is an open innovation tool that allows companies to identify talented startups capable of solving today’s challenges in multiple areas. Its mission is to help Startups and Scaleups become more efficient, smarter and more successful. These awards are a useful tool to promote knowledge sharing, add value to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and help startups to grow and position themselves in the market.
AFRIMAC 2 ( is a programme for business, technological, entrepreneurial and innovative exchange in areas of high economic impact between the Canary Islands and West Africa. The main objective is to improve the internationalisation of companies in the cooperation area through the creation of networks and the generation of a knowledge environment with a gender focus.
About Woman Impact Summit (WIS)
The Woman Impact Summit ( is an international initiative within the AFRIMAC 2 project to share different ways of addressing economic opportunities, visibility and access for women of all backgrounds, with participants, regional leaders, entrepreneurs and businesswomen working on special initiatives for women on both sides of the Atlantic.
About Women for Tech
Women For Tech is the Finnova Foundation’s initiative to support innovation, disruptive projects and public-private partnerships for women. They support various projects such as Finnova-Technovation Girls Challenges to promote STEAM careers in young people or projects to promote female entrepreneurship.
About Finnova Foundation
Finnova is a foundation working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship at EU level. Based in Brussels, it operates through collaborations and partnerships in all EU countries. Finnova’s expertise in leading European project communication and dissemination activities is combined with a strong proven track record in start-ups and business support programmes, such as accelerators, incubators and selection and award ceremonial events.