Country: Italy
Category: ICT
Project aim: To become a reference point for companies moving towards a zero defects production and new security standards for the baggage security checks market, thanks to an innovative X -ray real-time contaminants and foreign bodies identification.
Why are you developing this product?
Detection of contaminants and defects in food and goods production as well as Security standards for the baggage security checks market were at a steady at and obsolete and non promising state of the art when compared with the crucial issue the markets are facing at present time.
On the one hand, you must check food for potential risk factors such as pathogens, toxins or toxic elements like lead, cadmium and mercury; on the other hand, you must work to increase the amount of food products and prolong their durability and shelf-life. Electronic waste often contains recoverable gold traces and toxic substances, whose recover could avoid severe pollution.
What is XNEXT?
Xnext was born from the dream that a disruptive technology could contribute to an healthier, safer and cleaner world and at the same time create a sustainable economic advantage.
In order to achieve that, we have developed an innovative X-ray real-time
contaminants and foreign bodies identification. The technology is being tested in operational environment and we forecast to go to market by May 2017. Our unique XSpectra® technology is at the state-of-the-art of the X-ray spectroscopic technology available today, it is capable of a real-time, precise identification of the chemical-physical composition of the materials under analysis.
The spectra of a material identify unequivocally its components and density, which can be recognized from a well-known spectrum library. XSpectra® uses 1.024 energy levels, while traditional systems uses 1/2 energy levels. We have a single formula in mind: safety+security = safurity.
To whom is this project addressed?
Our vision of the teamwork is focused on young, flexible-minded people which are going to build a solid commitment to our business mission.