- Next Thursday 28th of September it will be celebrate the first SEN SOIRÉE Expo Gallery and 5 winners of StartUp Europe Award 2016 will be represented: Robocamp, Tespack, NeuronGuard, CityCrop and Apateq.
- The startups from SEUA16 will participate in the exhibition thanks to the collaboration between StartUp Europe News (SEN) and StartUp Europe Awards.
- SEN SOIRÉE Expo Gallery is an exhibition of European Startups through Artistic Photography, created by StartUp Europe News (SEN) and promoted by the European Commission.
Brussels, 25th of September 2017. Next Thursday, 28th of September it will be celebrate in Brussels the first SEN SOIRÉE Expo Gallery, an initiative organized by Startup Europe News and promoted by the European Commission. This exhibition it will pay tribute to the diversity of European startups, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The exposition it will count with 28 photographs, made by several European photographers, representing startups, one per European member country.
Some of those startups will be the winners of the Startup Europe Awards 2016. The initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Startup Europe Accelerator by Finnova Foundation, will be represented by Robocamp (from Poland), Tespack (Finland), NeuronGuard (Italy), CityCrop (Greece) and the extraordinary award Apateq (Luxembourg). The final ceremony of the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 awarded these startups last June at the European Parliament, in the honorific presence of the president Antonio Tajani.
The agreement between StartUp Europe News and StartUp Europe Awards will extend for the next editions of SEN SOIRÉE, one per season, giving visibility to the startups winners and finalist from each country.
The SEN SOIRÉE Global launch can be followed in 28 countries by more than 39 European startup media partners, in one single communication channel. More than 200 organizations and public authorities will attend the event next Thursday 28th.
19:30-20:00 Registration and Cocktail de Bienvenue
20:00-20:30 Opening of SEN SOIRÉE EXPO GALERIE
20:30-21:00 Welcome address to the opening ceremony
21:00-21:30 Global Launch of StartUp Europe News. A video streamed online entitled “United”, will be projected online on more than 39 startups media channel from 28 European countries to announce that the European Startups in growing united.
21:30 Cocktail Reception
Free entrance. Registration required HERE
Press Contact:
Catalina Valencia
Tel: (+34) 636889177
Country: Poland
RoboCAMP creates courses that allow every teacher to conduct programming and robotics lessons. Also, using LEGO bricks and science helps to develop children´s creativity.
Country: Finland
Tespack is specialized in the future wearables, focusing on the most important part of technology: energy generation on-the-go. Their first product line can collect the energy from the sin, store in a one of their mobile charges and charge all the devices.
Country: Italy
NeuronGuard develop a medical device for emergency brain protection to treat patients in case of Acute Brain Damage (ABD). The solution is composed by a cooling/warming collar powered by a smart control unit (the size of a small briefcase). The collar transforms the neck into a natural heat exchanger and is quicker to act on brain tissue.
Smart Cities
CityCrop Automated Indoor Farming
Country: Greece
This company offers a mobile device and application that allows its user to grow fresh and healthy food all year. They created the first automated indoor garden, based on the technique of hydroponics.
Extraordinary Award
Water category
Country: Luxembourg
This company provides oil-water separation system for oilfield operators as well as compact wastewater treatment plant for special and demanding applications and pre-treatment systems for industrial wastewater.