Country: Romania
Category: Agritech
Project Aim: The main goal is to raise the awareness of the youth on the significance of the bees in the nature and promote the interest for beekeeping activities. Honeybee colonies are essential for agriculture and environment, ensuring plant reproduction by pollination.
In the last years, beekeepers had to face many challenges in order to maintain their beehives and honey production, problems like losses of the bees’ colonies, strong diseases, beehives’ invaders, increasing costs of production and also products sold as honey but that they were actually synthetic, such as corn syrup, dextrose and other flavors and additives
What is the Apiary Book’s proposal?
Apiary Book aims to provide a complete solution for management of apiaries, monitoring of beehives (using IoT), innovative beekeeping system decision.
The information gathered from management app and beehive monitoring system is analysed in order to extract meaningful information for an individual beekeeper or for a group of apiaries from a region/country.
Apiary Book permits to gain the following modules:
- Smart management of apiaries and bee colonies monitoring using smart technologies (IoT)
- System decisions based on data analysis and predictions modelled by machine learning techniques (cost reduction, disease prevention)
- Traceability for production process of honey and other apiculture products, origin and certified quality
- Transparent direct marketing to the final consumer (B2C) and the marketing chain (B2B)
What is Apiary Book’s future?
Apiary Book can be used by single producers and also beekeeping companies. It’s an app that can be useful for processors and purchase of honey but also other beekeeping products. It’s a very versatile app with lots of possible usage that will improve the harvest of many beekeepers.