The CD-Clean Urban Mobility COVID-19 project was presented online within the framework of EU Green Week, reaffirming its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, urban mobility and the fight against the Coronavirus health crisis. This is one of the 11 projects approved in the 5-million-euro extraordinary call for proposals against the COVID-19 pandemic funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology in Urban Mobility (EIT Urban Mobility), which was represented at the event by Martí Massot, head of innovation at the Hub Sur. “Thanks to the EIT Urban Mobility, an innovative solution such as CD-Clean has been tested in vehicles and public transport stations in Barcelona,” said Massot.
This year the Green Week highlighted the contribution that biodiversity can make to society and the economy as well as the role it can play in supporting and stimulating recovery in a post-pandemic world, generating jobs and sustainable growth. Under this premise, the main objective of the CD-Clean Urban Mobility COVID-19 project is to demonstrate the application of an “aqueous solution with the maximum antiseptic effect for disinfection, using an optimal amount and a prolonged effect, for the protection of public spaces such as public transport against the spread of the virus,” explained the project leader and Ditecpesa manager José Javier García Pardenilla.
The CD-Clean Urban Mobility COVID-19 solution will make people’s daily lives easier and reduce the negative impact of chemicals on both the environment and human health. From his administrative work, the deputy of the Assembly of the Region of Murcia Jesús Cano Molina reiterated how the innovative capacity of a region with a water deficit has detected outbreaks of Covid-19 in municipalities by analysing their water. For his part, the Deputy Mayor of Alicante, Antonio Peral Villar, highlighted the importance of taking sustainable sanitation measures to restore citizens’ confidence and announced the proposal to pilot test the disinfectant in a jewel of municipal heritage, Alicante’s central market.
The challenges and solutions of the mobility sector in the post-Covid-19 era were presented by the head of the sustainable mobility section of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (MAB) and member of the consortium Marc Iglesias. “Equity, health, public transport balance and energy transition are essential for sustainable transport”, said Iglesias. Ana Belén Martos, FYCMA’s project manager in the area of trade fairs, added the need for digitisation and Sabrina Feminia maintained her work as manager of Biohub VLC in the more technological aspect. Other panelists such as the CEO of Proptech and Workero’s coworking space in Brussels, Dirk Paelinck, added the importance of education for the proper use of shared or public spaces.
The 3rd of September, Barcelona’s urban transport was an innovative laboratory against COVID-19 thanks to the logistics collaboration of Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona (MTB). “We defined a protocol for the application of the product and another for analysing the samples respectively, as TMB is looking for alternative solutions to improve the disinfection of trains, metros and buses with an optimum quantity as proposed by the project” said TMB’s bus maintenance director Rafael Salas Diego.
From Brussels, Finnova Foundation, international partner of the CD-Clean Urban Mobility COVID-19 project, through its team of experts managed by the Director General Juanma Revuelta, made it possible to achieve this space which gave visibility to the project before the European Union and the Green Week and will continue with the European Week for Waste Reduction from the 21st to 29th November. “CD-Clean Urban Mobility COVID-19 is an exemplary project in the use of European funding tools which we will continue to disseminate and which is awaiting approval for further funding within the European Commission’s LIFE programme” said Juanma Revuelta.
To access the full webinar, click on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZSl258saNs&t=2525s
Who are we?
EIT Urban Mobility
EIT Urban Mobility aims to accelerate solutions and the transition to an integrated, user-centred and truly multimodal transport system. As Europe’s leading urban mobility innovation community, EIT Urban Mobility aims to avoid fragmentation by encouraging collaboration between cities, businesses, education, research and innovation to solve the most urgent challenges facing cities. Universities, companies and research centres in this community work hand in hand with cities, which serve as testing grounds to demonstrate how new technologies can solve real problems in real cities by transporting people, goods and waste intelligently.
Last May EIT Urban Mobility launched a 5 million European call for proposals to fund 11 innovation projects related to COVID-19.
For more information: www.eiturbanmobility.eu
It is one of the leading global infrastructure operators, committed to the development of sustainable solutions. The company is listed on the IBEX 35, forms part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good, and applies the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, signed by the company in 2002, to all its operations. Ditecpesa, leads this innovative project and is the one who has joined the efforts of Startups through its open promotion.
Finnovaregio Foundation:
Belgian foundation that supports the financing of innovation in companies, regions and municipalities. Its areas of expertise are technology transfer and innovation in sustainable development, the circular economy, water and waste management, employment and youth, ICT and tourism. In this project Finnovaregio is in charge of the communication and legal dimension.
Intelligent Infrastructure Innovation Centre (IC3):
Non-profit foundation that develops innovation projects and consultancies in cities, highways, buildings, airports, water and environment. It has extensive experience in national and European subsidised projects.
Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (MAB):
It is the public administration of the metropolis of Barcelona, a large urban conurbation formed by a total of 36 municipalities. It designs and plans metropolitan mobility and manages metropolitan public transport services. Among the main services, the MAB plans and manages the Metropolitan Bus and the Metro. It is precisely in these two services that the MAB is coordinating, together with MTB, its own direct management operator, the pilot tests of the European CD-Clean project. www.amb.cat/s/es/
Metropolitan Transports of Barcelona (MTB):
It is the main public transport operator in Catalonia and a true benchmark for transport and citizen mobility companies in Europe and around the world. Together with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, it coordinates the pilot tests of CD-Clean, providing its own facilities and means of transport for the first tests outside the laboratory. https://www.tmb.cat/es/home