- The aim is to develop multidisciplinary possible solutions to combat COVID-19.
EuvsVirus Hackathon and Covid-19 Startup Europe Awards of the European Commission will take place on April 24th, 25th and 26th.
The Hackathon, organised by the European Commission’s DG Research and Development, in close collaboration with the EU Member States, aims to develop possible multidisciplinary solutions to fight COVID-19 and other diseases, viruses or bacteria such as SARS, E. coli, dengue or malaria in order to offer practical, affordable and accessible initiatives.
In this Hackathon a total of 37 challenges related to health, business continuity, political and social cohesion, distance education and teleworking, and digital financing will be discussed. All the challenges are related to the new economic and social context caused by COVID-19.
The tourism sector is one of the sectors called upon to participate in the EUvsVirus Hackathon and propose innovate solutions to the major challenges facing the sector: How can digital tools and new business models allow the service sector to continue providing value to customers?
The development of new business models linked to tourism, systems that allow companies to guarantee the safety of their employees, among others, are some of the questions that may be answered during this Hackathon.
The participation in these challenges is an opportunity to contribute from the tourism sector with ideas, but also to defend the need for solutions and financing for the specific Mediterranean socioeconomic characteristics before the European Commission.
In this Hackathon can participate innovator, companies, startups, universities, students, investors, public officials from all over Europe and associated entities at municipal, provincial, regional or national level that can contribute with their solutions, ideas, ingenuity, or definition of the problems and challenges.
Streaming Hackathon Ceremony.
On May 1st, which is Labour Day, the ceremony of the winners will take place on livestream and the winners of the Pan-European Hackathon will be announced. This date has been chosen because of the importance of projects that contribute innovative ideas in the promotion of employment, entrepreneurship and economic recovery.
Video: #EUvsVirus: http://tourismvscovid19.accelerathon.com/
Those interested in participating can register through the following link: https://euvsvirus.org/.
COVID-19 tourism Startup Europe Awards starts on May 2nd.
The next phase led by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and implemented by the Finnova Foundation will start with the support to each winner in the search for EU grants up to 2.5 million euros and up to 15 million euros for public-private investment. Secondly, regional competitions to find solutions to combat COVID-19 will start throughout the EU.
-For any other request:
Miguel Angel Pérez
-Press contact:
Lola Bordás